Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Fatigue in Children

Mummy, don’t wake me up, let me sleep a bit longer. I’m very tired and don’t feel like going to school…. Sounds familiar? If your child doesn’t want to wake up in the morning and go to school or has lost interest in studies and other activities, he may not have become lazy as you think. Chances are that he may be tired and suffering from fatigue.

Fatigue can be classified into two types –. Physical and mental fatigue. Physical fatigue is also defined as lack of energy or strength and is triggered due to muscle weakness. The affected individual tends to suffer from weakness and seems exhausted, most of the time. On the other hand, mental fatigue is referred to as being drowsy all the time. This condition is known as somnolence and the person tends to feel sleepy and is unable to concentrate on any task. Due to an unhealthy life-style, almost everyone suffers from fatigue, both mental as well as physical. Nowadays even children are being affected by fatigue. Lack of proper nutrients in the diet, consumption of junk food and no exercise can lead to a child feeling lethargic. Some other reasons that can cause fatigue in children are improper sleep cycle, stress or psychological problems, inactivity, etc. If this condition isn't diagnosed in time, it can lead to severe or chronic fatigue syndrome. Let’s see more about this disorder along with its causes, symptoms and treatment options.

Causes of Fatigue in Children

Owing to different activities, starting from going to school, playing, completing assignments and homework, a child tends to get tired. This phase can affect children from time to time, especially in their growing years. But if your child is overwhelmingly tired even after getting adequate rest, then he may be fatigued. This may also be an indication of some underlying health issue.

Anemia: One of the main reasons for fatigue is anaemia. Children who are anaemic often complain of being tired due to lack of iron in the blood. As there is a reduction in the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain due to anaemia, children are easily fatigued.
Lack of Exercise: A child may show inactivity or experience tiredness due to lack of proper exercise.
Lack of Proper Nutrition: Inadequate or improper nutrition is another reason for a child feeling low in energy. Children are more addicted to junk food like French fries, burgers and pizzas that make them ignore proper home cooked food. Eating fast food doesn't provide the required nutrients thus, leading to intense tiredness. It can also make the child obese.
Stress: Contrary to the popular belief that only adults suffer from depression, children also get stressed due to a number of reasons. Stress and depression are also major factors resulting in lethargy in children.

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